ALINE in lista per il Compasso d'Oro 2024

Aline: L'eccellenza del design italiano nella selezione ADI Design Index 2023

“Inside Out” Photography project

Revealing the invisible complexity of the tap

Made in Italy , 0 kilometres

The history of F.lli Frattini is an history of passion, intelligence and foresight.

10 utili consigli per risparmiare l’acqua

Semplici gesti quotidiani per preservare l’acqua e aiutare il nostro pianeta

Il design italiano celebrato a Berlino

Fratelli Frattini vince l'iF Design Award 2023

The future starts with F as Frattini

A restyling catching the essence of the brand

ANIMA premia Fratelli Frattini

Da 50 anni nell'associazione dell'industria meccanica

Quanto risparmia un rubinetto water saving

Una famiglia di 4 persone riduce di 140 euro il consumo d'acqua annuo.

Borgia: the innovation for your kitchen

Synergy of ecology and technology for a sustainable future

Arriva Aline, design by Marco Piva

La materia al servizio della funzione con la nuova collezione inox.

Donato ecografo di nuova generazione

Un gesto generoso per potenziare l'assistenza medica locale

Borgia, the stainless steel tap

A minimal design to face the challenge of the time

F.lli Frattini Since 1958

A long tradition of innovation and design made in Italy.

Imagine a place where design and functionality blend seamlessly. Where every drop of water tells a story of passion, craftsmanship, and dedication. Since 1958, Rubinetteria Fratelli Frattini has brought character and tradition into the homes of many families, offering solutions that enhance spaces and improve everyday life. Welcome to a world where comfort takes center stage, and the tradition of Italian faucetry merges with innovation

Innovation and Design Made in Italy.

Discover more about: collections, environments, and product lines.

Collections that enchant.

Get immersed in the Fratelli Frattini collections. Each piece is not just an object but a fragment of a story, a reflection of the passion for design and Italian craftsmanship. In addition to the products, you will discover experiences capable of transforming every environment.

Every environment is a narrative.

Observe how a space can become the stage for stories and emotions. In environments created with Fratelli Frattini products, timeless elegance meets your personality, creating corners where every moment is precious, and every detail speaks of you.

When detail makes the difference.

Beauty resides in the details. And in the details, you find innovation and functionality. Navigating through the product lines of Fratelli Frattini, you will discover solutions that go beyond aesthetics, designed to make every day special. More than sixty years of authentic Made in Italy: our faucets have never stopped speaking Italian.